Finally, its the end of semester 1 of my EFY. Finished my last paper too. And the place for me to relax my mind, Miri Marriot Resort and Spa. Yea, I went there together with vin, sc and wei. Supposely, the room belongs to Joyce when she was to stay overnight for 1 night before leaving back to KK. But due to some reason, her flight was rescheduled and she left on that night too. Unfortunately, they have to study in the room because they are going to have their paper on the next morning and this is what they are doing the whole night.
We also watched the Euro 2008 match for Portugal against Chezh Republic. Luckily the final score is 3 - 1. If not, there would be many 'peoples' jumping off from building again...Lol. I also questioned them on their exam to get them more prepared and we actually sleep at 3am. What a night...
The next day, after this guy had his test, he came over to my house to study. And guess what...
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